
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Getting back on Track

As some of you may have noticed I have not been writing as much as I was a few months ago. Well let me tell you what has been going on in my life. First I started home schooling my boys then about a month after starting that I found a new job and I work 3rd shift apart from doing this new job I am still selling Avon. so and you can see that leaves me very little time to write. That is why I am going to get more organized and make more time for my blog because I  love writing and it is my me time and my outlet .

Every person should have an outlet to help get away from all the stresses of life and writing is mine well at least one of mine ( wink wink ) ; ) ...

So from now on I plan to write at least three times a week and make more time for my blogging .

Monday, September 19, 2011

Bold & Beautiful Flip Flops Vinyl Decal review

I received this very cute flip flop decal from they offer a wide verity of decals from sports to animals. They can be applied to any smooth surface such as car windows, lockers anywhere you want to express  team spirit or other interest

What I liked about the decal is the fact that it was so easy to stick on the back of my truck and every time I look at it it will help me forget about the cold of Alaska and I can imagine I am in some place warm like Mexico. They also sent me a decal that said   I ♥ Blogging  and of course I love it all I had to do was clean my window with Windex press on the decal and I used a shopping card to smooth out the bubbles and that was it .

To get your own decal meca brush gave me the chance to give you all a coupon code The code is meca1264 

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

omg where did it go

where has this year gone it seems like last month was April and "boom" now we are in the middle of September what the hell happened in between.  You know this is not the first time this year that I feel like it is all going by way to fast all through out the year I have felt this way and I am not the only one so many people I have spoken to have felt the same way.  I think the world is playing a joke on all of us by speeding up then slowing down once a month or so, so we can look around and say wait what just happened .

The worst part about feeling like the year is going by way to fast is the fact that you think about what you have accomplished this year and you don't like your results. But I guess for some people it could be the other way around and looking back you say "wow" I did all that and it is only September damn time well spent.

Well maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself I did do a few good things so far like : starting this blog , starting a full time job, starting homeschooling my boys and even increased my Avon business. I only wish I  had the time to explore Alaska more we went hiking twice this year and have only gone an hour outside of Anchorage sigh but I guess we have many  more years to see everything . The only way I am moving from Alaska Is if we move to Mexico but other then that  my butt is staying in this cold and majestic place .